Archive | January 2016

My Perfect Place

My perfect place would be Candy Land. In this land, the rivers would be made of chocolate. The bears, bunnies, and worms would be gummy bears, gummy bunnies, and gummy worms. The fish in the chocolate rivers would be Swedish Fish.  On the apple trees would grow caramel apples, and orange trees would have candied oranges growing on them. The trees would be huge lollipops in different colors. The clouds would be made of different flavors and colors of cotton candy. All of the buildings would be made of gingerbread and decorated with candies. Rocks would be made of jawbreakers. This would be a yummy place to live!





This entry was posted on January 26, 2016. 6 Comments

Home Made Red Velvet Cupcakes

This entry was posted on January 15, 2016. 7 Comments

My New Years Resolutions

Do you want to know about my New Year’s Resolutions? They are:

1. Be nice to my brother, even if he teases me.

2. Be a better friend by being nice and sharing.

3. Write more on blog posts.

4. Be nice every day by thinking about others and filling buckets.

5. Have a smile everywhere I go.

6. Listen to my parents by paying attention.

7. Remember to brush my teeth every morning and night.

8. Play with my sister when we both have free time.

9. Eat more veggies like carrots and broccoli.

10. Read 90 minutes a day.



This entry was posted on January 8, 2016. 9 Comments

Coral Reefs

Coral reefs are some of the most divers ecosystems in the world, housing tens of thousands of marine species. About one third of all fish species live part of their lives in coral reefs. Reefs in Florida keys for example, hold at least 45 species of stony coral, 37 species of octocoral, 5 species of sea turtles, 500 species omullusks and hundreds of species of sponges. In addition to their incredible value as wildlife habitat coral reefs protect coast lines from storms and provide billions of dollars of food and jobs every year to people around the world.


This entry was posted on January 1, 2016. 2 Comments

Happy New Year!

On December 31, 2015 my brother and I were having a great time. When my dad dropped off my sister at her dance my brother and I played. Soon after my mom and dad left for something when they got back it was 11:30 pm. We all went up stairs and watched the New York ball drop. We stayed up until midnight waiting for it to be 2016. But when it was my brother and I had to go to bed and then I stayed up till 1:00 am reading Charlie Bumpers from start to end.


This entry was posted on January 1, 2016. 6 Comments