

Rattlesnakes live in the Sonoran Desert. The have 1 inch fangs and have venom. They can strike in the blink of an eye. They are attracted to movement and they can see/feel the heat from blood. The rattle on a rattlesnake’s tail is made out of special loose scales that rub up against each other to make a rattling sound. This is what makes a rattlesnake a rattlesnake. Rattlesnakes are the most polite snake because they always give you a warning before he strikes. Their faces are packed with incredible sensory powers. They have sharp eyes that can see well in the daylight, nostrils that have a good sense of smell, and a tongue that flicks and tastes the air. There is another sense that detects heat. The organs that help with this sense are the pits right under a rattlesnake’s nostrils. The pits can sense the body heat of animals and this is how rattlesnakes can find their prey.




2 thoughts on “Rattlesnakes

  1. Dear Bianca,
    That picture of a rattlesnake looks scary! You know a lot about snakes! That is a lot of interesting facts!
    Parents of Katie

  2. Dear Bianca,
    I’ve never thought of a rattlesnake being polite because I’ve been so afraid of them. Thank you for teaching us so much about these snakes. Have you ever seen a rattlesnake? What a great post!

    Mrs. Fordyce

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