Blow Fish

When blow fish first grow up they live in plankton. When they are old enough, they leave. When they grow up, they grow spikes and they get much bigger. They have sharp teeth that are fused together to crunch up crab skeletons. Another cool thing is that they blow into the sand to find food. If a predator tries to eat a blow fish, their defense is blowing up so the predator can’t eat them. But the sad thing is that if the blow fish gets stuck in the predator’s mouth, both fish end up dying. Blow fish have stretchy, expandable skin like a balloon, so when they gulp water, the volume of their body grows bigger. Most blow fish have a toxic substance that makes them bad tasting and potentially deadly to other fish and deadly to humans. Have you ever seen a blow fish? If you have, do you think they are cool?






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3 thoughts on “Blow Fish

  1. Dear Bianca,
    I like your post on Blow fish. I did not know that they blow on the sand to find their food. What are the blow fish’s predators? Blow fish are really cool!

  2. Dear Bianca,
    I’ve always been intrigued by blow fish. I like the new information you taught us about them. I did not realize that their teeth are fused together so that they can crunch up crab skeletons. The skeleton of a crab is so hard! Do you think we’d break or crack our teeth trying to do that?

    Happy trails,
    Mrs. Fordyce

  3. Dear Bianca,
    I love your post. I didn’t know that when blow fish first grow up they live in plankton. I’ve never see a blow fish in real life. How big can a blow fish get? I hope you keep posting.
    Happy Trails,

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