I think hermit crabs are amazing creatures. Hermit crabs’ eyes are on stalks. They have six legs, two claws, and one of those claws is really big. They carry their home on their back. They can carry a shell that weighs as much as they do or more. Hermit crabs carry their shell on their back all the time to protect themselves from predators like seagulls. Whenever a hermit crab feels under attack, they withdraw into their shell and block the entrance with their big claw. Whenever they start to grow, they need to change to a bigger shell. It is interesting that sometimes hermit crabs get in line from biggest to smallest and change shells. This is called a shell exchange. If land hermit crabs go into water, they can’t breath. Sea hermit crabs can breath underwater, and the cool thing is that they get oxygen from the water. There are 15 species of land hermit crabs, but 785 species of sea hermit crabs. Do you own a hermit crab or have you ever touched one?